National 2Way Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

At National 2 Way, we appreciate the importance of protecting your personal information and recognize the trust placed in us when you supply your personal information to us. We are committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information and complying with the Privacy Act 1988. In particular, National 2 Way will comply with the ten National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act. This Privacy Policy sets out the majority of these principles and how they may apply to you.

Collection of Information

  •    We collect personal information about our customers including contact information and any other personal information our customers may give us. We collect this information in order to further provide     ongoing warranty support, helpline assistance, and for other customer related service and support.
  •    We may also collect other personal information including contact, financial and trading information and any other personal information. We collect this information in order to provide commercial services or  credit. Generally if appropriate, we will tell you why we are collecting personal information and how we plan to use it or these issues will be obvious when we collect the information.
  •    We may also collect personal information about customers when conducting market research or to market other products and services that National 2 Way offer (you can opt out of receiving such marketing  information at any time).
  •    We will only store your personal details if they are relevant to your organization conducting business with us. 
  •    This information is password protected with limited access by authorized National 2 Way personnel. 
  •    Any personal information we retain under the above conditions, we do so to ensure that we can maintain contact with the organizations with which we do business. This contact may be verbal, electronic or   written. The reason for the contact may be to inform, request assistance or to maintain a relationship.

Why Do We Collect Information?

The information we collect will only be that which is necessary for the conduct of our business and our relationship with your organization. Information gathered by us in one instance may be used in another instance unless you expressly requested that we do not. However, we will only use the information which we receive about you for the purpose of doing business with your organization or in connection with that purpose.

How We Collect Information?

Where practical, we will only collect information directly from you. If we collect it from another source, we will do what is reasonably possible to inform you that we have collected the information.

How We Store Your Personal Information?

Your information is held either in paper-based records or in electronic form in our databases. We take precautions to ensure the security of that information. If your information is no longer needed, we will either delete it from our systems or de-identify it, so that it cannot be attributed to you personally.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Your company information may be given to other organizations, such as the distributors and re-sellers that we represent and organizations that we use to assist us in the conduct of our business, including but not limited to couriers, marketers and our financial institutions. We may also disclose your personal information to credit reporting agencies for the purposes of ascertaining or assisting others as to your credit worthiness.

How Can You Check The Information We Hold?

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information which we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date and we will put into effect any changes that you request.

  •    If you wish to view or access the information we hold about you, you are welcome to contact our Privacy Compliance Officer who will respond to you within 30 days. A handling fee may be payable so that we can obtain the information you require.
  •    You can also request that information about you be corrected or deleted.

Right To Refuse Access or Correction

We reserve our right to refuse your request for access or correction if, for example, we consider your request to be frivolous or bothersome, or if we are legally entitled to do so.If we refuse your request, we will give you our reasons. If we refuse your request to correct information we hold about you, we will give you the opportunity to post a statement of your claim where we hold your personal information.

Third Party Sites

If through a channel of contact you are forwarded to another site or organization National 2 Way is not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of those companies.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

As National 2 Way grows and changes, we may amend this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will make that information available by posting a notice on this site. By providing your personal information to us or by using our web site, you are indicating your acceptance of National 2 Way's current policy.